Starfield and what the game needs to improve

I have talked alot about Starfield on this blog and I feel like all criticism is tiring to deal with. Every single day, I see tons of people that are only interested in criticizing Starfield instead of trying to see what is positive with the game. This is not to say that the game is prefect. It is the first edition of a game series and I am not surprised that not everything about the game is excellent according to the discerning standards of gamers. Video gamers these days seem to be more interested in trying to engage in nostalgia than in moving the medium of video games forward and this is unfortunate. This is what Bethesda needs to do in order to get people to come back ton Starfield and get people interested in the game again. 1. They need to add ground vehicles to the game Ground vehicles are incredibly important part of exploration of other planets, especially when it comes to interstellar exploration. Currently, as the game stands, it takes a long amount ...