Starfield and what the game needs to improve


I have talked alot about Starfield on this blog and I feel like all criticism is tiring to deal with. Every single day, I see tons of people that are only interested in criticizing Starfield instead of trying to see what is positive with the game. This is not to say that the game is prefect. It is the first edition of a game series and I am not surprised that not everything about the game is excellent according to the discerning standards of gamers. Video gamers these days seem to be more interested in trying to engage in nostalgia than in moving the medium of video games forward and this is unfortunate.  

This is what Bethesda needs to do in order to get people to come back ton Starfield and get people interested in the game again. 

1. They need to add ground vehicles to the game

Ground vehicles are incredibly important part of exploration of other planets, especially when it comes to interstellar exploration. Currently, as the game stands, it takes a long amount of walking to get anywhere in the game and this means that the game is very draggy for alot of people out there. Many players at this moment do have the patience to even play video games anymore, they need to have the game being streamlined for them so that they are able to play the game. Starfield at this moment feels like a very slow game and ground vehicles will help greatly in allowing for people to enjoy exploring the planets in the game. 

2. Release the Starfield Creation Kit

Starfield already haws thousands of mods that already garnering press coverage every day. There is a vibrant community there, but it needs more assistance to truly reach the heights of greatness that has kept Skyrim going. Bethesda needs to release the Starfield Creation Kit in order to truly get the creativity of the modders to be unleashed. As of right now, it is great what they have managed to achieve without the Starfield Creation Kit, however, I think they need a little more help so that the modding community can truly thrive.

3. They need to continue the story

What is important for Bethesda is that they need to continue the story. I haven't played through the whole game but it is important that the studio continues on expanding the story. Starfield's story isn't a traditional story of heroes battling a villain. It is more about the development of humanity at that current stage of development after the species had moved its capital to Jemison instead of Earth being the center of attention in the human mindset. Starfield is not your usual story like that of Mass Effect or Star Wars. I like that it takes a different approach that isn't the usual hero's journey. They very much need to continue the story in order to get the fans back into playing this game.

4. Starfield needs improvements in its Companions

While the game has multiple companions, I think that Bethesda should try to improve the experience that players have with these characters.

5. Starfield needs to continue adding graphics options and performance improvements. One of the biggest issues that players have with this game right now is performance issues. I think that the latest patch is a great step but Bethesda needs to continue improving the performance of the game so that more people can enjoy this game. As of right now, the game has some steep system requirements and I think that it is important they continue smoothing out the edges so that performance becomes less of an issue for players.

6. Responding to the community for hints on how to improve the game

The Starfield community can be a really tough place but I think that Bethesda should try to listen to the people complaining about the game. While some just seek conflict, I think many of them have great ideas that would greatly enhance the game.

While this is not an all-exhaustive collection of ideas, I believe that these are best ways for Starfield to regain confidence among the players who still enjoy it. 


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