How Many Copies will Starfield Sell?


The next game in Bethesda's RPG canon is arriving and everyone is talking about it. There is tons of hype and interest in Starfield, and I expect that the game will be making tons of money for both Bethesda and Microsoft. The thing is that the game will be very popular among RPG gamers. However, one of the main questions that everyone has on their mind is how many copies Starfield will sell in general. Will it be a big success or will be Cyberpunk 2077 situation where it sells alot of copies on the heel of a very buggy release. It is doubtful that Starfield will flop as a game unless the developers are lying through their teeth, and we get a No Man's Sky situation. I believe that Todd Howard and his team are competent enough and honest that this will not happen. This is an AAA game not AA production. There are hundreds of millions of dollars at stake for Microsoft in this game. It will be competently worked on by the 500 or so people who were hired on to make this incredible game.

However, will Starfield be a second Skyrim game, selling millions of copies in 10 years? In comparison with many video games, Skyrim is an aberration. Very few games manage to gain the traction that Skyrim did. Games like Grand Theft Auto V and The Sims are the exception. GTA V is among one of the greatest games that has ever been released, greatly surpassing the sequel, GTA IV by a great margin. Skyrim also surpassed Oblivion greatly in sales.

 However, Skyrim and Starfield are two different games. There is no antecedent to Starfield in the Bethesda catalog. There are other games like this in the Space Sim or Space oriented genre. The bestselling of these games is probably Mass Effect. According to GameRant, Mass Effect probably sold around 10 million copies up to the present day of the article which was 2021. Mass Effect is probably the best-known Sci-Fi franchise in video games. Outside of the Star Wars games, it is difficult to see another space game that has been so successful in sales. Every space game that I can think of are generally Space simulation games. These games may have audiences, but they are niche titles that maybe influential in their own right, are not an everyman game. Cyberpunk 2077 sought to be this and may have succeeded in some way, but the glitches meant that the game became more known for being a source of laughter than being a serious game. The developers have been trying to improve the game but I am skeptical that Cyberpunk 2077 will be able to regain the attention of gamers after Starfield is released to gamers in September of this year.

The question still remains. How much will Starfield sell in the years to come?

Considering that Mass Effect was really only mainstream space game outside of Star Wars to really make a splash in the market, Starfield's sales are an unknown factor. I believe that the game will probably be highly successful. The real question is whether it will sell more copies than Skyrim. Considering that Starfield is going to be one of the largest games of all time. There is a huge expectation that this game will be changing the industry and I expect that people will be interested in seeing it and playing it.

Starfield will probably have a rocky start. It is a big game after all. There are bound to be some glitches and people complaining about performance on their computers and the Xbox. I expect that there will be no huge performance issues, but I believe that this game will be selling like hot cakes right after its release. The thing is, I expect Starfield to be in the minds of the average person for alot longer than that of Cyberpunk 2077 which made a ton of money but ended up being sidelined by other games that came out afterwards. 

Starfield's release is very important for many other video games that take place in space. While those games have carved out a niche for themselves, it is important for a more mainstream game to put this genre on the map for the average consumer. 


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