How Much RAM will one need in Starfield?

How Much Ram is Enough for a Computer?

 I have been looking over the system requirements for Starfield and I understand that my old gaming computer is not going to be able to pass mustard anymore with AAA games coming out today. I going to have to upgrade my computer and get something that is powerful enough to be play Starfield when it comes out. I have already discussed the System requirements of this game, but I want to emphasize a particular point about RAM requirements and what it means for gamers.

You see, I have a MSI Laptop that has 8GB of ram. As you can see that is wholly inadequate for Starfield, which requires 16GB of ram. This amount of ram that Skyrim required was roughly 2GB of RAM minimum and 4 GB as the recommended requirement. Skyrim came out in 2011 but you can clearly see that games are only getting more and more demanding over time. 

However, the RAM requirement is probably one of the most interesting things about this game. Generally speaking, RAM helps make a computer more efficient and able to do more processing without having to slow down. For a game as big as Starfield, having more RAM could definitely make a difference in getting this game to work properly on many people's computers. 

The biggest issue is deciding whether 16GB is enough or whether someone should upgrade to 32GB or RAM or even 64 GB.

Here's my view.

Generally speaking, I am looking to upgrade any new laptop that I purchase will have 32 GB of RAM. Why 32 GB? Because that's the sweet spot for performance. By having 32GB of RAM, this means that you will the flexibility to keep your computer ahead of any trends that may come in the future.

64 GB, at this point is a waste of money. Probably if you are using for very heavy tasks then it possible that this is an option for you.

I believe that this game is going to be quite demanding, but I feel that it will be more CPU intensive than GPU intensive. A great CPU will go a long way towards making these games run more smoothly. More RAM couldn't help. 

To be honest, I was thinking that Starfield would have much higher requirements, but I believe that the developers are trying to keep the requirements lower so that more people are able to play the game. There are reasons why Bethesda wants to keep this game playable for a variety of people while also pushing the limits of what they can do in a video game. 

Bethesda Softworks, with its long history of making video games from its Sports games to the Starfield is known for their view to make expansive worlds that are incredibly detailed and interesting. I hope that our computers are up to task to render this great environment they have created for us gamers.


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