Stealth in Starfield

 Stealth was one of my most favorite aspects of the Elder Scrolls Series. Being able to stay in the shadows while you were stalking a target was one of the most enjoyable aspects of the Elder Scrolls video games. 

Stealth in Starfield: What does it mean?

According to this article, stealth in Starfield is quite similar to that of the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games. Based on what is stated on Reddit, there will be indicators on the top right of the screen that show sneak attack damage. This is very important for allowing the developers to fufill the fantasies of players. It show that Bethesda is interested in providing a variety of playstyles to the player. I honestly believe that this is one of the greatest strengths of Bethesda's games. They do not allow the player to get stuck into one way of thinking or doing things. They allow the player to experiment with a variety of playstyles that will appeal to them. This choice and freedom to be what you want is one of the great strengths of a game like Starfield. I expect that it will do quite well with players who are looking for variety in their gameplay. 


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