Starfield: Early Impressions of the Game


The day has come and Starfield is available for those that pre-ordered it and I have to say that I highly impressed with the game. I was a little apprehensive with the system requirements but the game works perfectly. There is some lag when entering dialogue with characters but everything else is fine. I guess that System Requirements Lab was incorrect in saying that this game couldn't run on my computer! My graphics card only has 6 GB of VRAM but I feel like my trust GTX 4050 is doing the job of rendering the game properly and efficiently. I have no complaints about the game's performance.

Starfield as a game is something that has to be enjoyed over a long period of time. I understand that there are some negative reviews of the game which criticize the game for being too ambitious. Honestly, I like seeing too much ambition. The video game industry has been playing it safe for too long and I am glad to see that Bethesda decided to make the crucial choice in making this game as ambitious as possible. I am sick and tired of seeing games like Call of Duty release year after year and no-one calls them out on it. 

Starfield is a new IP and we should be supporting it with our wallets. Unlike Call of Duty, Starfield is going to pushing new boundaries that we haven't seen in video games before. As reviews have stated about this game, this is a massive game and not everything will be something that a player will do in their playthroughs. 

We live in a cynical age and yet Starfield is a miracle of a game.

While some may find the game's intro to be boring, I was impressed with it and I found the graphics to be incredible. I have been largely playing low-polygon games recently and yet Starfield is an incredible beauty to look at. I am greatly impressed with the work that Bethesda has put into this game. 

While I haven't played the game enough to be sold on the story, I have to say that it is causing me to be very happy that Bethesda made this game. Had it been any other studio and we would be talking about glitches. 

I write a bigger review when I spend more time with the game.

Here is a list of my Pros and Cons with the game.

The Pros

  1. Great graphics
  2. Engaging opening
  3. Great thematic score 
  4. Excellent performance on my computer
  5. Interesting characters

The Cons

  1. Intro may seem uninteresting to some
  2. Space combat seems counterintuitive
  3. Game may start slow
  4. The game is very demanding and require a powerful computer.
  5. Starfield is one of those games that requires you to enjoy Bethesda's previous games to really get the best experience. 


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