Starfield is about the journey not the destination


The Planet Jemison
The beauty in Starfield is the Journey not the Destination.

There have been many complaints made about Starfield and how it takes too long to play or truly to get going. Some have criticized the game's beginning as not making sense. 

These are valid criticisms. Some reviewers on YouTube and the gaming press have tended to be somewhat divergent in their criticisms, however. The reviewers on the gaming websites have tended to criticize the game for being too big with no character to it. Reviewers on YouTube tend to be more vulgar in their criticisms and tend to focus on the idea that bigger isn't necessarily the thing that we want in our games.

It is important to remember that Bethesda wanted to push boundaries and make the biggest game possible. This was what was promised by the developers of No Man Sky and was ultimately a disappointment for many gamers. Bethesda was working hard to make the best game possible but also a game that could actually release unlike games like Star Citizen that are literally being made to milk the pockets of gamers. People have to remember that Starfield was made with no microtransactions. It is important to emphasize that point. Bethesda could have hidden content such as the ship building section of the game behind microtransactions. They decided not to and this should be applauded. However, what's more important is that people seem to miss the point that this game is not meant to be something that one picks up and then just forgets about it. The ship building aspect of this game is one of those things that will give the game a longevity that will be comparable to Skyrim.

However, that is not main thing that people have to try to understand about this game.

What's important to remember is that Starfield is a slow burn game. It is not simply a video game but an experience. It allows you go to other planets.

People can dismiss the planets as not being important but you have to remember that Bethesda did not simply follow the Star Wars approach and make every planet the same. There are multiple biomes that add character to every planet in the game. This is one of the unique aspects of this great experience. 

All the planets have their own unique characteristics to them and are worth to explore. It is a game that takes its time and asks that the player enjoy the journey more than the destination. 

Starfield is all about the journey and that's what makes it a standout game. 


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