Starfield and Sandbox vs the Theme Park Gamers

Starfield right now is having issues with two types of gamers who are divided amongst themselves. It is a division that has been going on for some time, but I believe that it is becoming more of an issue. As of right now, there is a whole cottage industry that seems to be more interested in criticizing the game than in actually understanding how difficult it is to make games anyway. This seems to be a constant on YouTube where there are tons of channels that seem to be attacking the lead writer of the game instead of providing constructive criticism. These channels are obsessed with attacking the game. It has been this way for many games on the site for about some time by now. However, the biggest issue that is dividing gamers right now is the conflict between sandbox gamers and theme park gamers. Much of what is causing the issue is that Bethesda has been catering too much to people who want an experience rather than sandbox. The issue with theme park gamers is that their games t...