Starfield and the Importance of supporting the game


There are way too many games these days are not supported properly by their developers. I have seen too many great titles get abandoned by developers that are only seeking a quick monetary return. Companies such as Microsoft and Electronic Arts are really only interested in profit. While they may say that the care about the art form, they are liars in many ways. Electronic Arts actually started as a company that wanted to make video games into an art form and then transformed into a huge conglomerate that buys up studios and their intellectual property and then ruins it. However, Bethesda is a bit different from the rest of these companies. 

While Bethesda is a developer and not a publisher, they have a reputation for caring about their games. The opening title of the Elder Scrolls Series, Arena, was released as freeware ten years after its release. This is something that other companies have refused to do so. Unlike so many other companies out there, Bethesda has respected its fanbase from their very beginning, treating as an integral part of their products. In this capitalist age, it is easy to be cynical and not have any confidence in these companies. However, companies like Bethesda show that it possible to have a profit motive and still care about the consumers to buy your products. 

This is why it's important for people to continue supporting Starfield.  While the game may not be prefect, Bethesda has shown themselves very willing to continue supporting this game with mods. People have all too eager to want to write off this game because it did not fulfill their vision of what a space game should look like. However, Bethesda has tried every tactic to keep this game successful. Instead of just letting gamer attack Starfield without any pushback, we are seeing that Bethesda is trying to react to negative gamer criticism. Instead of just letting the game languish, the developers are trying to patch issues in the game. This is a game that is well worth being supported by people.

The criticism is going to continue, however.

People are always going to find some fault with something in Starfield and any game that they purchase. However, it is important to remember that the players should try to support these games. Starfield is rarity amongst games. People can try to call it outdated and not with the times but this is truly remarkable game that people should be paying more attention to. There is a reason why Bethesda decided to take so long to make this game. They wanted to provide the best product possible and not just rush something out for the sake of it. 

I appreciate that Bethesda has decided to continue supporting the game. Making games is a tough business and gamers do not appreciate that enough. I will be supporting Starfield through the years and I believe that gamers should do the same. 


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