Starfield and the Urban environment in Bethesda games

I wrote an article about my impressions of Neon in Starfield as well as my impressions of Akila and New Atlantis. These cities are the main hubs in the game, and they represent some of the best work I have seen Bethesda do with urban environments in video games. In comparison with the sparse towns of Skyrim, these cities are some of the most realistic cities I have seen in a video game in my opinion. It is definitely better than what we had in Cyberpunk 2077, with its rather boring scenes and static npcs. Of course, people have been trying to criticize the game for months, nitpicking everything they can about the game. They have been claiming that Starfield is not a game that is worth the time to buy. However, I have to say that the cities alone in this game are worthy of the price of admission. This is one of the most beautiful aspects of the game. Bethesda has always been moving towards more realism in their games since they made The Elder Scrolls: Arena some 30 years ago....