Starfield and those who aren't complaining


There is a narrative that Starfield is entering this year with many players criticizing it and saying that it is not worth the money. However, this is largely the opinion of a very active and angry minority who may have legitimate issues with the game but are using it to stir up conflict between those who dislike the game and those who enjoy it. majority is always going to remain somewhat quiet in its approach online communication. The internet has always been seen as a great leveler of communications but in reality, it has been mostly used as a way to increase the visibility of people who are generally speaking, outside of the mainstream. There is another side to this issue, in that people are using online communications to silence others they believe in ways that are contrary to them. This is why the Starfield fanbase has seemed to be under siege, with YouTube being filled with negative content and little about the many mods that are being made. The Internet is as usual a home for the extreme but there are few welcoming areas for people who just want to discuss the game. 

What we need to accomplish in this year is to regain control of the narrative surrounding Starfield. We should no longer allow for the trolls to make us decide what type of games that we should be playing. There are many gamers who are enjoying this game and people have to stop thinking that just because there are alot of YouTube videos that criticize the game, that doesn't mean that everyone is just hating on the game. There is a whole segment of gamers who are playing through Starfield and are very content with it.

What Starfield needs right now is some positivity and I think that it is important that we gamers show that there is support for the game and that we want Bethesda to continue supporting it. 


  1. I'm in the positive camp. That's why I'm following your blog now. I'm sharing my enthusiasm with playthroughs online, eg


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