Why playing Starfield is so important to me


While I wouldn't say that I am the most prolific Starfield player, I will say that I truly enjoyed the game. Starfield is something really special that cannot be touched by many other games. It isn't the best game ever made but honestly that is really tough to replicate. We have reached a point in the development of video games that it seems really tough for games to truly be innovative in a way that they were in 1980s. It is really strange to me that people want to continue criticizing Starfield as if it is a game that was supposed to be prefect. This is a video game and people should accept that.

Coming into this game with those expectations, I just have to say that I love the game and enjoy it for what's it worth. I had always wanted a game that was like Skyrim in space but I knew that such a game would not be a duplicate of Skyrim and that it would be its own thing. That is what people seem to forget about Starfield. It isn't supposed to be a continuation of Skyrim. With that in mind, people will enjoy the game and simply stop trying to make it something it not.

That is why I enjoy Starfield. It isn't Skyrim and that shows that Bethesda is not beholden to a group of people who are so enamored with a game that is literally slowing innovation in the RPG genre. We need to enjoy Starfield for what is is and not what isn't. By doing this, I feel that people will make reevaluations of Starfield and stop trying to compare it with Skyrim. Starfield is its own game and I feel in a way that people should try to respect that. Starfield is a great game and I believe that people will appreciate it.


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